
Funny Jokes

What did one mouse say to the other mouse when it tried to steal the cheese?

"That's nacho cheese!"

knock knock whs,s there banana banana who.knock knock who,s there banana banana who.knock knock who,s there orange you glad a didn,t say banana.

Dear Gwen and Prince. Gwen and Prince sorry for being mean and cussing and other messed up nonsense. To be honest I really just wanted to be ur friends all both of u! Btw prince, Gwen is not dating Aiden...I don't even know who aiden is! Sorry a milion times Zreina.

Meat stands for M-monitoring. E-evaluating. A-assessing/addressing. T-treatment. So when your shoving meat up peoples asses then your monitoring them, evaluating them, assessing them, and treating them

“Give me 5 cents and I’ll grant you a wish” Ok “Thank you what is your wish” I wish for my 5 cents back

I got pranked so many times once I saw two wheels rolling down the street I hear this noise I look behind me there's a legless man in a wheelless chair screaming "HELP I CANT GO ANYWERE'' but I walked away I knew it was a prank

Once my cat was playing video games. I was OVERWATCHing him. I asks him to PAWS the game. He then hissed at me. I was surprised, he usually has a good PURRsonality. He said he YARNED to play the game