READ THIS OUT LOUD: This is this cat This is cat This is how cat This is to cat This is keep cat This is an cat This is idiot cat This is a busy cat This is a for cat This is forty cat this is seconds cat NOW- go back and read the third word from each line from the start.
What do you call a hamburger that can talk & walk? Funny weird walkie hambuger & talkie cute hambuger. lol
why is jenna marbles so funny? she lost all her marbles.
Q: How do you know it's time for bed at the neverland ranch? A: When the big hand touches the little hand.
Bro i saw two dudes kissing LOL but not regular kissing
I feel sad. Because I went to a old man in a wheel chair while he was sitting next to a fire and I screamed hot wheels. 🤣
Tell someone that your gonna say “I 1 poopoo” and it will go in order of numbers, so they say, “I 2 poopoo” & so on:
You) I 1 poopoo (Them) I 2 poopoo (You) I 3 poopoo (Them ) I 4 poopoo (You)I 5 poopoo (Them) I 6 poopoo (You) I 7 poopoo (Them) I 8 poopoo (And be like, “You ate poopoo??! EWW!!”)
These jokes are a little to explosive if you ask me
all these jokes are all plane
Jack and Jill Went up the hill to have some hanky panky. Silly Jill forgot her pill. And now there's little Franky.
lol this joke may not be funny but what do u call your mom fat and emo
Wanna know something funny? Well there was this one time when my parents were talking about their marriage. Then after the wedding, they decided to make a joke and then 9 months later I was born. My birthday. (4/1/06) April 1, 2006
Two balls sit inside a bucket. One turned to another and said,’ Hey man, boing, are you sentient too?’ The other one said, “I’m sapient, you are sentient!!” BOINGZINGA!!!?
It's funny how teachers are supposed to educate new lives but only teach certain kids how much they want to commit suicide and how many ways there are.
It funny how you feel so alone with depression and yet once you tell people on some random website so may people relate unfortunately it doesn't stop the loneliness
Guys these jokes are not funny my dad died, he was the best Arabic pilot ever
Girlfriend: "One day I will marry and a lot of men will be sad that day." Boyfriend: "Wow, how many men do you plan to marry?"
What do you call a strong, independent girl in Haryana??............................................................................................................................. Dead