
Fight Jokes

I saw this really old guy with the Hitler stache, so I decided to start beating him up. It was very weird when a camera crew came out with Harrison Ford and started yelling at me.

I don't understand those couples that fight and a minute later change their Facebook status to single I fight with my parents but you don't see me change my status to Orphan

Got into a fight last night. We both had blades. He cut me deep. I thought I was gone, but he forgot to keep the water running.

Weird thing was that we were in the fight of our lives in the restroom and that guy kinda look like me.

Two kids were beating up a ginger kid in an ally, so I stepped into help. He didn’t stand a chance against the three of us.

Little Johnny was getting beaten up by two kids so I came and hellped

He won’t stand against the three of us!

What did one shoe say to the other shoe when they were fighting?

I wanna sock you in the eye so bad!

If a emo kid and the quiet kid had a fight the quiet kid would win cause the emo kid would cut himself to death