Why do gay men and lesbians believe that bisexual men don't exist because there is no such thing as male bisexuality Because it doesn't cycle đ˛
Person 1: How smart are you?
Person 2: Really smart.
Person 1: Ok. If you have 3 ghosts and take away 2, how many are left?
Person 2: 1 ghost is left.
Person 1: Wrong! 0 ghosts are left because ghosts don't exist!
Sad life goes, joke mom.
Don't hate life, love it because when you want to live and try again in life, it's already too late. :(
What's the difference between Madlen Makan and Stephen Hawking?
Nothing, they're both dead.
Why did the Orphan have imaginary parents?
Because his last parents existed.
What's the most annoying thing in the world?
When you're told you're still qualified to live.
Your hairline is as nonexistent as your dad.
My chance of finding love.
Dumb kid: What does homework mean?
Teacher: J0K35? (J0K35 is me btw) can you explain to DK what homework means please?
Half Of My Existence Wasted On Random Knowledge
why didn't stephen hawking ever eat chicken wings? becuase he didn't exist
If your having a bad day just remember the Blobfish exists
Why did the glacier send the ice berg to college? Because, in order for ice to exist, it must retain a temperature of less than... ZERO DEGREES; at the atomic level.
Jesus Christ does exist, he does, and he is the son of god ....... a god that doesnt exist XD
Remember the big forehead kid who said âGive me a knife, Iâm going to kill myselfâ ? because of being bullied His head was to big to even exist, and that's why he's dead
My existence
Is it so? Do people get freedom?
Omega was born with Mammosbum in Mammam.
You know I wish life was shorter?
I want it over.
What's the similarity between your money and your life?
It just keeps going down.
Why does the cannibal village not exist anymore?
They all ate each other.