You’re looking pretty rough this evening. You looks like if sweatpants were a person.
nostalgia hits you like a train. it's so hard, you can even wake up.
Your hairline is so far back that not even Tom Brady could throw that far.
the f in orphan means family even though there's no f
Hairline is so far up I Patrick my homes can't even sell to a widereceiver
What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it? Answer: A promise
Why did the blind man cross the road?
Don't ask me, he can't even see where he's going.
the best joke: you. O wait I can't even say that because jokes have meaning
Why does the paper follow up with wine because it was junk do wrong so wrong that you don’t even exist because nobody even eat it ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Haha ha ha Haha ha haha ha ha Ha Hah Hah Hah Ha👺🤮🤢🤢🤢🤔🤭😥🥵🥶😡😤🤬🤬
There once was a man who beat his wife, And before he even knew it, he ended her life, His hands where a mess, all red and bloody, He had to find somewhere to hide the body.