What's an EMO's favorite game?...... DARK SOULS
What do you call a flat emo ......
A chopping block🖤
deez nutz got emm
Who do they call it.emotion when the root word is emo but emos don't show emotion
Don't be emo be happy NEMO
What animal can jump the highest
Emo kids because once they go up they never come back
why are emos like paper
they cut easily
How did the Apple and the emo fall off the tree at the same time? Because Paul Walker crashed into it
How do you see the difference between a cow and a bull ? It’s either one or the udder
What is an Emos favourite game? Hang man!
I bet the emo kids are jealous when they go to funeral.
I Bet emo girls get jealous when people cut paper
What do Emo's say to eachother? I likeyour cuts G.
i'm surprised that the tree is still standing when my emo friend is hanging from it
I keep trying to call my emo friend... They keep hanging up
Why was the emo person dead inside? Because I stole their insides.
Q: What did the kid say to the emo kid? A: Don't leave me hanging
why do trees always gotta leave me hanging
why do emos have friends? so they can hang with eachother
how do u cut your grass without a lawnmower? - u dye it blue and it will cut itself