Donald Trump is getting all the perks of 2020. He got COVID and lost his job.
Joe Biden
Biden is a joke. Trump is AMAZINGLY AWESOME!
Like if you're voting Trump 2024! WOOOOO!
To teach kids about democracy, I let them vote on dinner. They picked tacos.
Then I made pizza because they don’t live in a swing state.
Republicans were quick to admit however, that the 22nd Amendment was passed in a stolen election to remove FDR.
What do you call the White House when a woman becomes President? A stable.
Trump cheated so much he cheated himself out of an election!
What does Matthew McConaughey say at the Republican convention...
We're gonna take back what is ours, alt right, alt right, alt right, hee heeeee...
He only won the election because of rigging.
82 million votes my ass.
Ask me for proof.
Who are voting for this election? I'm voting for Tricity, so vote for Tricity. Electricity!
If you think of a president as your king, then the USA got checkmated on November 22nd, 1963.
What do you get when you cross a corrupt lawyer with a crooked politician?
Chelsea Clinton.
Trump said: "Let's make America great again."
Translation by Democrats:
"Let's fake America again."
What do you call the United States of America under a Joe Biden presidency?
Answer: The Democratic People’s Socialist States of America. We're still America, just a different kind of America. And that’s no joke. 😔
I was voting for Trump in the 2016 election. It's been a while since the last presidential assassination...
How do you spell "cognitive mess?"
J.O.E. B.I.D.E.N.
Joe Biden said he was going to a petting zoo.
Trump said schools are not petting zoos.
What do you say when Trump is still president during 2020? Magic!
If I ever ran for public office, I'd make Rajan a call center employee again.
My name is Joe Biden, and I am running for US Senate.