I went to the National Redhead Meeting yesterday. Not a soul in sight.
What do a convention of nerds and Kurt Cobain's garage have in common? There's brains all over the place
Donald Trump secretly admires Joe Biden. How do I know?
He attempts to imitate "Sleepy Joe" by falling asleep during his court cases and during part of the Republican National Convention!
what do you call a cripple convention? a salad.
Me at the Anti-Orphan Jokes convention 💣🗡🔪🧨🔫
What does Matthew McConaughey say at the Republican convention...
We're gonna take back what is ours, alt right, alt right, alt right, hee heeeee...
Reverend Mother walks into the convent and announces: "Sisters, our carrots have been delivered!" Nuns exclaim: "Hurray! Carrots!" Reverend Mother: "They are grated carrots, though." Nuns: "Ugh! No thank you then..."
Why was the soldier reading the Geneva convention?
to do list
Bro if I die I want to die blown up by 34 pounds of c4 at a furry convention
The British Society of Psychics annual convention had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances!