What do you call the United States of America under a Joe Biden presidency?
Answer: The Democratic People’s Socialist States of America. We're still America, just a different kind of America. And that’s no joke. 😔
What do you call the United States of America under a Joe Biden presidency?
Answer: The Democratic People’s Socialist States of America. We're still America, just a different kind of America. And that’s no joke. 😔
Listen here, genius. The joke is that if Joe Biden is president, the USA will turn into a socialist country. Get it? I bet you voted for Biden, didn't you? Sad.
Really pattyrat
Wow someone's hurt go raid the capital bro it'll clear your head
Go look it up. Demoncrats are registered as the Socialist Democrat Party. WW2 was never won. The Nazis invaded America and called themselves Democrats.
Lets go Brandon
Its true what you say my man.