
Egg Jokes

What do eggs use in war? Eggk47s get my yolk this is really cracking me up! They’d probably get shellshocked wasn’t it all eggcelent Ok Ok I’m headed for the egg it. Why did the new egg fell so good? It just got laid.

what does having sex with a woman and cooking an egg in a skillet have in common? A. both end with a loud annoying sound and a gooey mess to clean the shit up.

A person laughs everyday. "Man," they say, "I'm glad I'm not an egg, otherwise I'd just CRACK MYseLf uP!

Mary Poppins went to a restaurant and ordered cheese, eggs and cauliflower. When she left, she had written something in the complaint box: super cauliflower, eggs but cheese was quite atrocious. (Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious)


Somebody told another person that they would meet at the crack of Dawn. Lets just say Dawn got very mad.