
Eating Jokes

Amber Heard’s Morning Routine

Wake Up Eat Breakfast Take a Shit Get Out of Bed

A girl noticed hair growing between her legs and asked her mom about it. Her mom said it was her monkey and it grows she told her sister and her sister said that aint nothing mines already eating bananas

Why don’t orphans and Chinese kids play baseball. The orphans can’t find home and the Chinese kid will eat the bat.

Two people are in a restaurant. Person #1 doesn’t order anything and person #2 orders a chili.

Person #1: Aren’t you gonna eat your bowl of chili?

Person #2: No you can have it.

Person #1: Ok, thanks...

Person 1 starts eating his food only to find half of a dead rat! He vomits all of the food back into the bowl.

Person #2: That’s about as far as I got too!

Me and my mom order Chinese food. My mom grab the egg roll, and start licking it up and down, and sucking on it in from of the Chinese delivery. I said why are you doing that for. Then my mom I love him a long time so we don't have to pay for the food.

Bestie hannah heard that bestie Iz had a migraine! What did she do? She said, My grains don’t hurt that much, at least not when the animals eat them!!

two lesbians adopted a cat that night the cat ran away why ?

because it heard one say i'm gonna eat that pussy


Dating a striper is like eating a bag of chips in class.

Everyone looks at you in disgust. But deep down inside they want some too.