Downing Jokes

What do you call a kid with Down syndrome trying to beat Minecraft? “ A sped runner”.

A few days after her husband’s death, a widow accidentally receives an email from a man waiting for his wife in Spain. The email reads: „Dearest Wife, just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow. P. S. It’s really hot down here“.

joe mama so fat when she got sturdy she tripped on her shoelaces fell on her face and fell down 2 floors

Yesterday i saw an orphan walking down the street. I asked him if he was ok. He said no so i asked him if he needed help. And he said yes so i let him in my car and said dont worry you’ll be home with you parents soon. He said my parents died. I said i know.

My dad said people shouldn’t get ribbons just for participating because it rewards them for losing.

So I took down his confederate flag.