Downing Jokes

I was walking down the street one day and I passed the gun store. I walked in and and everything was half off. I didn't know back to school sales had started already

A Down child is drowning, he calls help with all of his voice:<<Somebody help me!! I'm Downing>>


The other day at school we had to write down our hero and what we would do if they walked into our house. I got off easy because my hero is Stephen Hawking.


I go into get a prostate exam, I'm nervous but the doctor says its all natural and needs to be done.

So he pulls down my pants and sticks one finger up my ass. I feel it go deeper inside , feeling for abnormalities.

That's when I realize his hands are on my shoulders.

What’s black, white, and red? A nun that fell down a 100 flight of stairs. What’s black, white, and laughing? The nun that pushed her!


Why do the japanese hate Christmas???

Becasue the last time a Fat Man came down the chimney, they lost half their population

A little boy and a little girl are taking a bath together. The little girl looks down at the boy and says, "Can I touch it?". The little boy looks back at her and says, "Hell no, you already broke yours off!".

*Titanic was sinking. Passenger: How far are we from land? Captain: Two miles. Passenger: Which direction? Captain: Down.


Bully: I bet your dick is so small when you look down in the the sower you can't even see it.

Guy: No I see your sister's head

Why do Japanese people hate Christmas? Because the last time a FatMan went down their chimney they lost half of their population

Jack and Jill went up the hill to get some marijuana. Jack got high and slapped her thigh and said you know you wanna. Jill said yes pulled down her dress and then they had some fun. Silly Jill forgot the pill and now they have a son.


What does a crippled person's legs and the twin towers have in common, they both went down and never came back up