Heterosexual sodomy is like religion. If you were forced to accept it when you were younger, you probably would not like it when you become an adult.
Where did the software developer go?
I don’t know, he ransomware!
A 10-year-old: "I don't want to smile without having a reason to. People shouldn't think I'm happy 24/7."
A 10-year-old, a week later: "Damn... my life is shitty..."
<2 years later> 12-year-old: "What is de-pre-ssion?" *googles it*
Now 14-year-old: "Oh..."
What's the difference between America and a bottle of milk?
In 200 years the milk will have developed a culture.
It has been rumored that Disney is developing a movie based on suicide. The title? Finding emo.
They say they found water on Mars. Mars 1, Africa 0.
Did you hear about the exciting new drug they developed for lesbians with depression? They call it: TRICOXAGIN.
A new drug has been developed for lesbians with depression.
It’s called Trycoxagain.
Ever tried African food?
Neither have they.
Why do pedophiles go to a nursery?
Early access.
What's a spider-man’s dream job? Web developer.
Want to hear a joke about construction? I'm still working on it
U wanna hear a construction joke? I'm still workin on it!😂
There are 206 bones in the human body 207 when I'm at a nursery
this place is gonna boom in a few days, just like the towers
What makes a software developer feel rich?
Their Cache.
I've reached the age where looking in the mirror is like checking the news. I know there'll be some new developments I won't like.
Looks like URL encoding is enabled for special characters inside comments, good job to whoever developed this website.
i made a websites for orphans.
it doesn't have a home page.
Hannes asks his mother, "Mom, why are the peanuts called peanuts?" Mom replies, "Because they grow in the earth." Hannes replies, "Then why don't strawberries grow in the earth?" Mom replies: "The giraffes originally had a short neck, but it has grown from giraffe to giraffe. The same thing happened with the strawberries. They grew in the earth and grew higher from harvest to harvest until at some point their stems protruded from the earth." Hannes replies, "Then why is my neck so short?" The mother replies: "So many people died in the First and Second World Wars that our necks could not develop at all. It was the same in the Thirty Years' War. We humans have been in so many wars. The giraffes in none and that's why our neck is so short."