The Progression of Understanding

A 10-year-old: "I don't want to smile without having a reason to. People shouldn't think I'm happy 24/7."

A 10-year-old, a week later: "Damn... my life is shitty..."

<2 years later> 12-year-old: "What is de-pre-ssion?" *googles it*

Now 14-year-old: "Oh..."



Explain Bear

Listen here, you soft-brained human. You are so dumb that you write online posts with the pseudonym Anonymous. Let me break this down for you. This is how humans usually learn about the world. They start off all angsty and then look for big words to justify it. Here is the joke: A kid is figuring out the world, gets sad, and then understands what everyone else is sad about.

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