Me: Man I wish my clothes were emo. Friend:Why? Me:so they would hang themselves
my friend was on wheelchair......he committed suicide yesterday, I remember when i met him last time he told us a good joke and i appreciated him and i told him to become stand up comedian.
why did the ophan commit suicide so he could find home
whats the difference between an emo kid an a leaf... only the leaf reaches the ground.
What makes sad people jump? a bridge
i dont struggle with depression, im used to it
life would be so much easier if grass was emo
because it would cut itself
I can’t hang out with a emo when they are sad? Why? Because it cuts deeply
A depressed man buys a gun for suicide but then thinks "maybe i shouldn't be doing this" and asks a friend for help. He returns with a rope.
I called a Suicide Helpline, but they didn't help me commit suicide. Tbh they really left me hanging there
A new drug has been developed for lesbians with depression. It’s called Trycoxagain.
You know what an emo gets for his birthday? A rope
whats the difference between an emo and an apple? the apple falls to the ground while the emo just hangs there
What do a convention of nerds and Kurt Cobain's garage have in common? There's brains all over the place
What do emos like to do when they're sad... They play violin on their wrists
What do you call a depressed tree? A wood cutter