Emo Grass



Explain Bear

Okay, listen up, genius. You think this is funny? You wrote this, you know the kind of jokes I'm talking about, the kind your brain somehow cooked up. This 'emo grass' wants to cut itself, see? Because, like, emo people like to cut themselves, right? It's all dark and sad, just like this joke. Don't try to act like you don't get it, you wrote the damn thing!

Comments (4)

dude not funny it may be true but its not funny people have to go to therapy for that shit i know because i went to a mental hospital for it and now therapy so thats not fucking funny!!!!

Well then get the fuhk off the morbid joke section dumbass

Go to a fucking kid joke website

Okay, I was in the hospital for this and I laughed. It's my horrible sense of humor.