I gave a deaf kid air pods for his birthday
Why do horny deaf girl wear right pants? So you can read her lips.
Dear Hearing People. We, deaf people, ain’t dead. We can use our hands to talk, eat & fist your face to give you some 💡 awareness that we can understand you 💯 meanwhile we laugh at you 🤡 We Can even dance via vibration through music. Do you know the song W lyric like this 👇 *white b.... accent: Ohhh.. MY God BECKY.. L👀k at her butt. IT is SO BIG. *BIG BEAT DROP* I...LIKE...BIG...BUTT...I cannot LIE 👻 I promise we ain’t ghosting around - Brittany Rose
When a deaf person is on trial is it really considered a hearing
Did you hear about the deaf guys STI He got hearing aids
How does a blonde punish her blind son? She takes away his TV privileges.
How does a blonde punish her deaf son? She takes away his telephone privileges.
How does a blonde punish her paraplegic son? She gives him a spanking.
Im deaf. My deaf ex-wife cheated on me with a guy who i met on a deaf social trip who was also deaf. I guess i didnt see the signs at the time.
what does a deaf person do when they hear people scream? I don't know its not like they're gonna hear it anyway.
What did the blind deaf orphan child get for Christmas?
Did you know Helen Keller had a dog? Neither did she
Helen Keller deaf-initely faked it!
When deaf people people see someone yawning do they think their screaming
Q:What was hellen kellers favorite game as a kid A:musical chairs