When deaf people see someone yawning, do they think they're screaming?
I went to the principal's office because I gave a deaf kid ear pods for his birthday.
Q: What was Hellen Keller's favorite game as a kid?
A: Musical chairs.
Why did Helen Keller's cat run away? I would run away if my name was jufhvfhvurhkso.
How did Helen Keller's parents punish her?
They stuck her in a round room and told her to find the penny in the corner.
Hellen Keller once said, "love is not something you see or hear, it is something you feel," but of course she said it like this "fbfebsovbforbw urbwbwvorb."
Mom tells her son to go to the other kid, to walk to the kid just standing still, to clap so the kid can hear and move out of the way of the car.
But her son was blind, the other kid had no legs so he couldn't walk, and the kid has no arms so he couldn't clap, and the kid died because he couldn't hear; he was deaf.
What do you call a deaf animal?
Anything, it can't hear you.
What did the man say to the deaf kid? He said...
What is the difference between an orphan and a deaf kid?
They can't hear or speak to their parents that never came back.
Hear the one about the deaf kid?
He didn't.
Hellen Keller went to town riding a pony, stuck a feather in her hat, and called it an "Unnghhtpthhh!"
If you hate what you hear from Nickelback, at least you can get your nickel back.
If you have to deal with the noise from Deftones... unfortunately, not only are you unable to obtain any refund, but you may have become permanently deaf.
Q: What do you call deaf Magic Johnson?
A: Hearing Aids.
Did you hear the one about the deaf person?
Me: No.
That's because they can't hear, so they don't talk.
Have you ever walked into Helen Keller’s house?
She has.
When you get suspended from school for giving the deaf kid AirPods for his birthday.
Helen Keller once dated a brick wall.
Helen Keller was a pilot in 9/11.
what is the name of Hellen Keller's dog?