Dais Jokes

Guy: Hi, how was your day today. Woman: Good! Guy: *Well I can’t ask her out cause she’s pregnant* Guy: How many months pregnant are you? Woman: What to you mean?!?! Also I’m not pregnant.

Today was the worst day ever. My Ex got hit by a truck... On the plus side my truck doesn't even have a dent.

There’s 365 days in a year orfans have 363 because they don’t have a mother’s or Father’s Day


Remember back in the day when your TV wouldn't work so you'd bang it a few times?

I tried that with my dishwasher, but unfortunately, she ended up pregnant...

The other day my wife told me to pass her her lipstick, but I accidently passed her a glue stick...she still isn't talking to me

Last post for today, but I had to say one more thing!!! Tomorrow I am going to six flags, and I am literally so excited! It is going to be so much fun. Hope you guys have a good MLK JR day!!!!!! Woohooo!!!!

Give a man a plane ticket and he flies for the day. Push him out of the plane at 3,000 feet and he'll fly for the rest of his life.