Son: Dad, what are those two huge balloons on mummies chest? Dad: i don't see balloons, but i see boobs, i mean, yes balloons Son: Are you sure they're balloons yesterday i heard Uncle Frank trying to get a milk dispenser working
My dad tells me and my sister to stop arguing so she elbowed me in my damn nose
one day, the milkman came to drop off milk. The boy asked the milkman, do you know where my dad is. The milkman replies, I am your dad, then runs off like batman
My dad went out with Nemo one day to the store. They still haven't come back.
dad: My kid just said butch but since he is a kid he said a bad word on accident *the next day* uncle: F*CK
Child: I am hungry Dad: Hi hungry I dad!!! Child: * groans* *walks away*
Hey dad, i'm hungry! Hi hungry i'm dad. Why did you name me this way, why why wy
I don't know why everyone cares so much about 3D printers. I've had a Canon printer for years.
I would tell a joke about my abusive dad but I can only think of the punchline.
when is fathers day? 9 months before mothers day
Your dad left for the milk because of your Mcdonalds hairline
My dad never came back with the milk my mom told me he's in the army
Your mom and dad abandoned you because you're too ugly.
My dad died when we couldn’t remember his blood type. As he died, he kept insisting for us to “be positive,” but it’s hard without him.
My dad has a pretty shitty job.
Top five places to find your dad's orphans is Milk Island.
What's a native chick say after sex?
"Get off me, Dad, you're crushing my smokes!"
You wonder where my dad is.
Meanwhile, Dad: It's good to be at milk island!
How can you tell it's a gay barbecue?
'Cause all the hot dogs taste like shit.
2023- my dad is a cop.
1800- my dad owns your dad.