
Cop Jokes

Why is there a lot of whites in hockey? It’s the only other job that involves beating something black other than being a cop


More cops died from covid than anything else last year hahahaha

They should have shot covid instead of Tyrone on the microphone lmfao

Woman gets pulled over by a cop Cop: ma'am have you been drink Lady: no officer Cop: what's that in your cup then ma'am Lady: just water officer Cop: looks like wine to me Lady: oh my god Jesus did it again

The man was Indian he moved to England because he wanted to learn so got a job at the store he learned how to say register then he was a business man he learned how to say 59887 then returant so he learned how to say fork and knifes so a man came with a knife the cop came and asked the man which was the killer who killed him he said him he pointed to the Indian man the cop asked what did you use he said register cop asked for ID 59887the cop asked anything on you forks and knife he said me me me

Q. How many cops does it take to Put in a light bulb.A. Non they just beet the room for being black. 😂😂😂