What's a mentally retarded person's favorite color? Clear.
What do you call a sad strawberry?
A blueberry.
My young son saw Trump on TV. He asked, "Why is the man on TV painted orange?" I replied, "Son, when Russia pays that much for equipment, they don't want it to rust."
Roses are red, you are gay, and that's it.
A collection of 911 jokes.
What kinda pizza did they order at 911?
What was the color of 911?
What is the fastest way to see 911?
What do you call an Indian with pink hair?
Ghandi floss.
Do you want to know the most racist game? Chess. You wanna know why? Because they never let black go first. I wonder why... lmao.
I saw this girl with blue hair and slapped her wrist and said, “NICE CUT G!”
A boat carrying red paint and a boat carrying blue paint crashed into each other. The crews were marooned.
An ICE agent tells a Mexican that he can get his green card if he can use green, pink, and yellow correctly in a sentence. The Mexican thinks for a minute and says, "My phone goes green, green, and I pink it up and say yellow."
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Look at me again,
It will be the end of you.
What is black, white, and red all over?
A sunburnt zebra.
What's a cat's favorite color? Purrrple!
Your teeth are so yellow, you spit butter!
What's brown and sticky?
A stick. Get your head out of the gutters... Jeez!
What's black and white and red all over? An American School.
What is white, black, and blue all at the same time?
Barack Obama.
What's green and smells like bacon?
Kermit's finger.
What do you call two redheads on Mars?
What is black, white, and red all over? An interracial abortion.