
Christmas Jokes

What does the child with no hands got for christmas? Unknown he hasn't opened it yet.

What does a homeless man in new york got for christmas? Hypothermia.

Why did little sally fall of the swings? Because she had no arms What did sally get for Christmas? Gloves! Only joking...she still hasn’t opened the box

What did the kid with no arms get for Christmas? A pair of gloves! Nah, I’m not that mean, he’s still trying to open his presents.

My child is ungrateful, I got him a bike for Christmas and he didn't say thank you, no, he said "dad, I don't have any legs"

Santa gives a boy a bike and a soccer ball for Christmas, this upsets the boy. Why? Answer: He has no legs..........the boy has no legs.


Kid starts shortcoming people in school, teacher asks “why are you doing that”. He responds, “I wanted to paint the walls red for Christmas”

why did Sarah fall off the swing.... she had no arms.....what did aaah get for Christmas ?? I dunno, she hasn't opened it yet... knock knock... *whos there*.............NOT SARAH

What did the boy with no hands get for Christmas? Gloves........ just kidding he hasn’t opened it yet

why did sally fall off the swing? because she had no arms ~ knock knock who's there? not sally ~ what first went through sally's head when the nazis came? a bullet ~ where did sally go when the bomb exploded? everywhere ~ what did sally get for christmas? a bike