I donated to the LQBTQ community hopefully now they can find a cure
A man can form Jupiter girls came from Venus and other genders came right from uranus
What’s the difference between a feminist and a rock? A rock can break a glass celing.
Orphan kids only play GTA5 so they can be wanted
People shouldn’t be afraid during a zombie apocalypse. They can stay in their living room.
Michael proveed anything is possible in America. Where else can a poor black bo grow up to be a rich white woman?
Mom: can I tell you a joke Kid: sure Mom: Knock Knock Kid: Who there Mom: Not yo Kid: Not Yo Who Mom: Not Yo Father Kid: Not Yo Husband Either
You: Finds a time clock that can change time
Your friend the next day: Hey, can borrow yo' house
You: No I'm trying to figure out what to do with my TIME
Also you: Changes the time back to 1267 so you don't have to have that friend again
Who can jump the highest Emos some of them are still in the air
Orphans can be let away with anything really bad at school Cause they can't be sent home for it
My sister thinks shes so smart she said only and onion can make you cry so i brought the belt out and she started crying
"Whats the difference between a pregnet woman and a light bulb"
"You can unscrew a light buld"
when ant man is the size of an atom how can he breathe?
Little Johnny said he wanted a coffee. SO his mom said he can have one. He got an esspresso not knowing depresso came with it.
A 28-year old medical student is auctioning off her virginity online. For $300K, you can have the worst sex of your life.
What is Green and Red and goes round and round? A frog in a blender (this next one is pretty bad, and I don't mean it, so don't get offended) What's the difference between a Mexican and a park bench? One can support an average family
Why do ducks have feathers? So they can cover their butt quacks
Why do women like PacMan so much? How else can you get eaten 3 tomes for a quarter?
why cant orphans sleep nobody can tuck them in