me : hey you want to hear a dark joke brother: sure me : turn off light
Once my twin brother died from a plane crash. His last words were, "If it's a bomb, I'll give it a 9/11."
Why do black people call each other brothers? Because they don't know who their fathers are.
I went to school on a Saturday. My teacher asked why am I here, so I replied that my brother told me to go to hell.
Man: Aw man, I'm having a bad day.
Man's friend: Same.
Man: So why did you have a bad day? My brother got hit by the school bus.
Man's friend: I got fired as a bus driver.
Man: Oh great heavens!
I have a short TRUE story of how I found out my brother was gay and did "it" with his best friend.
When my brother was 12-13 years old, he fucked his best friend and I saw it. I was like 4-5 years old, UNDERSTANDING what "it" stood for at the time. All I heard was "ahh" and "mmm". The only thing that traumatized me the most was when my brother moaned "daddy". I was so traumatized that I told my mother about it, she rolled her eyes and said, "He's probably playing a game with Evan". BULLSHIT... NO YOU DUMBASS. He was playing the game "SEX", more like "GAY SEX".
I even told my father and he said, "I don't understand what you're trying to say". I told him DIRECTLY that I heard my brother say "daddy" to his damn best friend!
I actually got so curious, I opened the door and saw them doing "69". I was blank white after I saw it. I will NEVER forget that he did "it" with his own best friend.. NEVER forget about it.
(just a btw, I still have the image stuck in my head and never forget how YOUNG he was..)
(He ain't no virgin anymore I guess lmfao.)
P.S. My brother made this up when he had no meds... I almost died.
What does ATM stand for?
Answer: Amy’s Terrible Mom.
sometimes i feel ugly then remember i have a brother then i feel better
My brother goes into the bar and says bartender give me 12 beers and a shot of whiskey. The bartender says that's a lot of alcohol. My brother says celebrating my first blowjob. The bartender said let me buy you a drink. My brother said no this should be enough to get the taste out of my mouth.
Jake: can I go outside Mom: did you clean your room Jake: No Mom: Then f*ck no Jake: alright bet (Brother named no)
My grandma told me I was next at my brother's wedding, so I told her she was next at her husband's funeral.
My wife cheated on me with my brother.
She didn't have a sister, so I improvised, and now all I have to do is wait nine months for one to come.
The daughter of an incestuous pedophile goes into the living room where he is watching TV and asks him if she can borrow the car that evening. "Sure honey! If you suck my dick! So she gets down on him but something is wrong. She pops her head up and says: "Dad! This tastes like shit!" "Oh yeah, I forgot" says the father "I already gave your brother the car for tonight."
Jack and Jill went up the hill to celebrate their marriage.
Nine months later, they happily had some use for their baby carriage.
Two years later, they went up again, then their daughter had a brother.
But one little secret that no one knew was that Jack and Jill share a mother.
I murdered my friend's brother because he kept saying "HEE HEE" like Michael Jackson when I was trying to have a serious conversation. I just found out he was disabled. That's a THRILLER.
When you ask your brother where his hairline is, and he points where it's supposed to be, and you say, "I don't see one there."
Listen my brother's , if you see a photo of her with a another person
Just go to her house and shoot her with your AK47
When ur little brother knocks ur two Jenga towers u made with his toy airplane
You: hey stop trying to recreate the twin towers
Ya Sister is ya Mother
Ya Father is ya Brother
U all shag one another
The Inbred family
What happens if a redneck is bisexual? Do they go for their brother or sister?