
Blue Jokes

Ur the bus driver, the busy driver picks up twenty kids, drops two, picks up eighty. Drops seven picks up a women with green eyes, drops off a man with blue, kicks a kid in the face, and burried his mother. Who’s the bus driver You will never nose

Roses are red violets are blue all these orphan jokes have ruined this site Fuck you (I am not visiting this site again, don't know if I'll come back. Bye guys! It's been a long ride but no site can last forever.)

What is white, blue eyed, blonde haired and somehow was made in galilee during the roman occupation? An Itallian Renaissance painting that was carbon dated

what is red white and blue and makes me proud to live in this country? the baby in the corner I choked, stabbed, and then came on.

yo mama soo fat! she sunk the titanic she put on a blue coat and they thought she was and iceberg!!

roses or red voilets are blue the childern are fast but elmo is faster bow down to your master