why do orphans ecaome criminals when they grow up, because they want to be wanted
Kenya, if you keep smiling then you will become a positive bitchy!
Tenya, everyone hates you why I have no idea!
Kenya stop smiling and start dying!
Tenya, why are you so mean!
Kenya, stop acting like a mantrapp!
Tenya, stop being a bitch in a skirt!
Please leave a comment good or bad! cusswords whatever!
What's a cannibal's favorite place?
A day care.
What do a gay man and a tumbleweed have in common?
They blow and blow until they wind up on a fence in Wyoming.
Guy 2 whispering: Oh, I got tired of acting gay.
Guy 1: I heard you. Why are you acting gay?
Guy 2: To attract gays and then give them advice.
Guy 1: So what's your advice to me?
Guy 2: That I just know you're gay.
Our teacher said for two kids to stare at a wall for no reason, so I said, "Hey wall, that ass flat like a pancake from McDonald's."
Why did the farmer eat a fork?
'Cause he's a dumbass.
Me: *listening to music under a tree and smiling*
Random person who sees me: Awwww look at him, he looks so so happy ^w^
Me: *actually listening to depressing music that makes me wanna kill and end myself but just smiles to show that everything's gonna be fine even if it won't*
Why did everyone suggest that the cheetah eat all the pumpkins?
Because he cheated at everything!
Yo momma's so stupid, she took a shower for 20 minutes after she heard a DIRTY JOKE!
There are 5 cats on a boat, and 1 jumps off. How many are left?
Zero, they were copycats.
What did Joe say when he saw his girlfriend sleeping with his sister?
Nothing, he just started wanking.
Why did the stoner cross the road?
He got so wasted, he thought he was a chicken.
Vegetarian: I prefer plants.
Herbivore: I just like food.
Cannibal: I'm a people person.
Why did the cheetah always cheetah against the lion?
Because she knew the lion was always lion.
I got caught peeing in the pool.
The lifeguard blew his whistle so hard I nearly fell in!
Look, an orphan, let's go beat 'em up.
If you're bored, punch an orphan. What are they gonna do? Tell their parents?
What makes a cult and a racist family of 5 common?
Not all are friends.
Straight men change their girlfriends like they change their undies. So, about once a month.