Women are like towers, the man wants to bang them both.
The Twin Towers remind me of an emote... bing, bang, boom.
When the quiet kid gets angry and the sped kid sees your hiding spot.
Bing, bang, boom!
If you buy two condoms, but you're banging a woman, it's fine, don't throw it away, just make her transgender.
I dunno man, worked for me.
JFK was so popular he was banged in front of his Wife.
When you find out the stripper your banging is a hooker but you're saving money so it's ok
y'know what rhymes with clash, zoom, dang? slash, boom, bang, snap.
Yo, hairline goes farther back than the Big Bang theory!
Yo mama so old, she got nostalgia for the Big Bang!
Why are school shootings branded “very American”?
1. They usually happen in the usa 2. They’re like the forth of July: there’s a lot of loud banging and kids screaming
what should you do after banging the tightest pussy?..
Just put the diaper on her😉
One day, Little Johnny came home with his girlfriend and told his dad, "We're gonna go to my room and do some homework." His dad said okay. Five minutes later, Little Johnny's dad heard noises coming from his room, so he went to go see what it was, and all he heard was, "Baby, baby, oh, baby, baby, oh." Little Johnny's dad started banging on the door and said, "Little Johnny, what are you doing in there?" Then Little Johnny said, "Dad, we're just having sex." Then Little Johnny's dad said, "Oh, I thought you were listening to some Justin Bieber up in here."
Blm= Bang local mlfs
BLM be like black lives matter everyone in this chat :). BLM= Bang Local MLFS.
Interviewer: Hey JFK, what’s your favorite song by Jessie J?
JFK: I er ah Bang Bang.
"Go big or go home," that’s what some people say.
"Go loud and proud," that’s what other people say.
"Go out with a big, loud bang!" that’s what I say.
Little Johnny walked into his house. He heard a banging sound from up above and decided to investigate. He opened the door to his parents' room and saw his naked mom and the woman next door. He thought they were wrestling and decided to join in.
DH: What did Vegeta say to Bulma? A: What? DH: Can I show u my new move it's called BIG BANG ATTACKKKK. :)
I have a friend of mine from school. I always see them with bangs, so I never knew what their forehead looked like until one day they came... Their forehead was bigger than Mount Everest, that you can make an entire Olympics mountain climbing audition on that forehead! :)
What's the only good part of your crush dying before you have the chance to bang her?
She can't say no!