Mother: Jack, I have good news and some bad news, which would you like to hear first? Jack: Bad News first Mother: I'm dying! Jack: Mother, I said bad news first. Mother: *cries* Jack was never seen again.
What do u get when u cross a stick and a dog a run away joke...
I don't like 9/11 jokes because they always talk about how bad of a plane driver my dad is
When you think about it hitler wasn’t a bad person he killed hitler
What did batman say to roben before they got in the car? - Get in the car
Once there was a man. A man who had a butt. Once he was at this job interview and he was going to get the job. But just before the boss was going to hire him he farted. It was a really bad one. It was 47 minutes long and so loud the windows rattled. When it was over the man screamed and jumped out the window. He didn't get the job
Déjà Moo. the feeling that you've heard this Bull before.
I must have at least 87 years of bad luck, every time I look in the mirror, it breaks!
Mom:they say our kid neighbor has a blue blood Son:really? Also 2 hour later Son:mom the kid doesnt have a blue blood Mom:son i-
Sorry for my bad english U-U
Bad handjobs are rare. They’re hard to come by
whats an orphans fav meme. Homer going into a bush might take a while to notice and this one is bad
What did one tree say to another in a crisis? Don't leaf me when things get bad.
Why is America bad at Clash Royale? Because they can't defend their towers.
What does a bad friend give a blind kid for his birthday?
Give him a gun and tell him it's a hairdryer.
Vegan is actually an old Indian word for "bad hunter"