If you're feeling mad, punch an autistic kid. What's he gonna do, blabber to the teacher?
What does an autistic kid and a loaf of bread have in common?
They both have special needs.
What do you call a gay friend?
Miguel Del Rosario Domingo.
what do you cal an autistic kid with a gun? special forces
What do you call a army of autistic people with guns?
Special forces
When the school shooter kills five people, and the autistic kid yells, "Heroes never die!"
What do you call an autistic kid with a rocket ship? A cocker.
What’s an autistic person's favorite movie:
A Quiet Place?
If you have an Autistic child, don't worry. Put your trust in God and pray it gets kidnapped.
hi im coby bayley
Spread my legs like butter n finger me hard. 👅👅👅
I thought that kid was walking cool when I had my ears shut. It turns out he was moaning.
I’m autistic and I don’t approve of you guys making fun of the 75,000,000 other people
What did the mongol say to his dog? Down syndrome!
Why are autistic kids a stupid, brainless, special freak?
Imagine being autistic idiots.
What do you call a dwarf with autism Matthew Michal?
Gay guy?
Poo poo packed, lol.