What do you call a group of redneck superheroes?
The Inbredibles.
Because of all the rampant inbreeding in America, it's not a surprise that Hollywood had to poach models, comedians, and actors from Canada and Australia.
Why can't two Chinese people have a white baby? Because "two wongs don't make a white."
Don't let an extra chromosome get you down!
Don't let an extra chromosome get you down.
I have the heart of my mom, the face of my dad, the eyes of my grandpa, the ears of my grandma, and the hair of my uncle. We don't look anything alike; I just collect body parts.
Why can't you solve a murder in Alabama?
All the DNA is identical and there are no dental records.
What do you call it when a person with Down syndrome gets friendzoned?
Your family tree looks like a circle 💀💀💀
I'm not saying you're inbred. I'm just saying you're a textbook example of why consanguineous marriage might not be the best idea.
I'm better than you in every single way... I even have an extra chromosome.