If you think I sound sexy, just reply "sexy."
Are you my pantry? Because you look like a snack ;)
What is it about a beard and glasses that children find so sexy?
Is it just me, or are you the prettiest person I've seen today?
Did the sun just come out, or did you just smile at me?
Even if there was no gravity, I'd still fall for you.
Do you have a sunburn, or are you just always this hot?
Are you Paris, 'cause Eiffel for you.
Let’s try and make this joke the most liked and commented on this website. (Ps, you made need to say it out loud to get it) I went to a zoo and there was no people and there was one dog. It was a shit-zoo.
Do you know what's lonely?
Your lips, wanna meet mine?
Are you Wi-Fi? Because I think I am finding a connection.
My bf: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
My bf: Ice cream.
Me: Ice cream who?
My bf: I scream if you don't let me see that smoking hot body!
Your really sexy 😉
Sexy hot girls with two booooobs. I should say I wanna suck them.
I’m not into watching sunsets, but I’d love to see you go down.
I’m on top of things. Would you like to be one of them?
When you’re trying to attract a partner, it’s important to project the qualities you desire. Shit, have I had to suck a lot of cock lately!?
What do you call a sexually attracted pizza who spoons another pizza?
A Topping.
Are you electricity? 'Cause I wanna get a bath with you ;)
Your mom is so fat that she broke your crush!