
Asked Jokes

I saw a little kid crying today. I asked where his parents were, and he started to cry more. I left the orphanage to get some milk after that.

Guy: Hi, how was your day today. Woman: Good! Guy: *Well I can’t ask her out cause she’s pregnant* Guy: How many months pregnant are you? Woman: What to you mean?!?! Also I’m not pregnant.

What do you say to your customer at a popsicle stand when he asks for the price?

Dollar a pop!

Get it?

I remember asking my mum: "What's a couple?". She replied, "Two or three". Which probably explains her collapsed marriage.

Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road. So I asked him, “What’s the word on the street?”

I had a new blonde" part's expert" woman call for parts. I needed 2 ought wire for a job. She calls NAPA auto and asks for twat wire.. the part's guy was assuming she didn't know about planned parenthood? .. 😂🤣

A orphan went up to nicolas tesla and asked to travel in time he then saw his parents put him in a building saying you now live here!!

Yo' Mama is so stupid, when they said, "Order in the court," she asked for fries and a shake.

three guys walk into a room where a man is sitting with an assortment of foods on his plate cause it's lunch time the guys ask the man to do a favor and he says sorry guys I have a lot on my plate!

Once my cat was playing video games. I was OVERWATCHing him. I asks him to PAWS the game. He then hissed at me. I was surprised, he usually has a good PURRsonality. He said he YARNED to play the game

I asked a man for ten dollars for a cup of coffee, The man said coffee was only a quarter, I told him I was putting all my begs in one ask it.

I saw a pretty girl walking outside. I asked for her number. We met up and began to have sex. She told me to turn over which was weird. I felt a stinging pain in my ass all of a sudden

A couple enters a Chinese restaurant. Took their seats. The waiter asked ‘Xiang Chi Shen Ma’ and the wife said ‘Chi Ji Ba’

A man shot into a crowd at the train station and didn't hit one person, when the police asked why he missed, someone said cause he gay.

He couldn't shoot straight