hey wanna hear a joke?
yeah me too.
roses are red violets are blue she is hot but you're as ugly as poo
Why did the Johnny cry?
He was molested by his sister. Johnny enjoyed it though.
what comes next in the pattern, ottffs_
s because it represents numbers going up, one two three four five six seven
what comes next in the pattern, ottffs_
My teacher told me to have a good day.SOOOOOOOOOO I went home :)
Tada mun ang hai jiwain taage naal khota bania Honda ae
This isn't a joke, just an American back to school list. 1.Pencils 2.Binders 3.Paper 4.Pencil sharpener What, did you think I was going to make a school shooter joke?
Why did the chicken cross the road? Cuz he felt like it mind yo buisnes like damn
All of the jokes are just abuse
an old indian was buried on the side of a hill, what did he say.
nothing, he was dead.
what do you call a best friend that smokes weed?
A pothead. Just because he's your friend, you don't have to support his poor decisions. Jeez, what has America come to?
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
The momma called the doctor and the doctor said...
“We’re calling Child Protective Services.”
What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball? She gagged and moaned.
Did you hear about the two guys who stole a calendar?
They both got six months.
I have bekfast wif my bois