They say their is strength in numbers, tell that to the people in the World Trade Center
Why do people hate jokes about the World Trade Center? Because its an easy target.
Yo mama so fat, when she went up the elevator the World Trade Center collapsed.
What was the weather forecast when the planes hit the world trade center? Partly Cloudy with scattered passengers!
the man fired from the world trade center on september 10
that is just plain wrong
So I was just chilling in the World Trade Center, and I got airplane Wi-Fi. I fonder why....
Why were the world trade center so Mad because They ordered 3 pizzas but 2 came in plane and 1 went to the wrong address
What is something you can’t say in a superhero movie? “Is it a bird, is it a plane, well whatever it is, it’s heading straight for the world trade center.”
when your in the world trade center and you connect to airplane wifi
What's the similarities between the New York Jets and the World Trade Center? They both fall I'm September.
What's the Twin Towers' favorite Minecraft biome?
A plains biome.
what did the two towers make after they died? the one World Trade Center
even the world trade center underwent a better upgrade than your ugly ass
you're so ugly that even the World Trade Center got a better transformation than you
You know, people allways tell you to stand up for yourself. Why didn't anyone tell the world trade center that? 🤔
"whats the wifi password" '121i362" "its not working' "what wifi are you trying to connect to" "the united airline" were in the world trade center tho
Imagine working at the World Trade Center only for Osama bin Laden to call and ask if he could crash at your place
I was just chillin in the world trade center and got airplane wifi
When they said Titanic was "Unsinkable", then they said, "The World Trade Centers was UnCollapable."
The two brothers were sitting next to each other. They played with planes all day long. They got to violent and now their sister(World Trade Center) stands there. The brothers were put up for adoption and the planes were given back to their owners.