What's the similarities between Spiderman and a homeless person?
They both have no way home!
What's the similarities between Spiderman and a homeless person?
They both have no way home!
Why would an orphan be a good Spider-Man?
Because his parents will be far from home.
What movie does an orphan want for Christmas? "Spiderman: Homecoming";)
Why did Peter Parker take Gwen Stacy to an orthopedist?
Because her neck was killing her.
I asked my orphan friend what his movie is, he said "Spiderman: No Way Home." I said, "Probably because it's so relatable, right?" He started crying. I don't know why.
I'm so confused. Who is Gwen? The only Gwen I can think of is the one from Spiderman. 😂
A poor person came up to me and said, "You're ugly." I said, "You remind me of Spider-Man: No Way Home."
What is Spiderman's favorite rice?
Uncle Ben's.
What can Miles Morales do that Spiderman can't?
Hug his parents.