“Remember switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
"Hitler and Goring are standing atop the Berlin radio tower. Hitler says he wants to do something to put a smile on Berliners' faces. So Goring says: 'Why don't you jump?'"
what is a fun game for an emo kid.
tug o war with a tree
When your in the war and you die and say to got where is the gulag
Apex Legends: exist Titanfall fandom: (Literally on fire and at war with its self) "Everything is fine."
Q: What do you call 9/11? A: Enemy persion airstrike.
You cannot win a war without a war" -Tun Szu, The art of war
“A foolish man is lactose intolerant, A wise man simply tolerates it” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
"If you can't win, lose" - Sun Tzu, the art of war.
What did the British soldiers say while in the trenches? "Damn it's windy out here"
When you kill people in a war, it's perfectly fine, but when it's a school, everyone has a problem with it, wth.
Why cant an orphan role-play Star Wars? Because they have no one to play Darth Vator
You race's favorite Star Wars Characters:
Arab...Admiral Ackbar(Allahu Akbar) East Asian...Qui-Gon Jinn(Ching-Chong-Wing-Wong) Jew...Rey(Ray) Black...BB-8(BBC) Italian...Jabba the Hutt(Pizza Hut) German...Admiral Piett(Hitler)
WHy did i kill bc im dumb
Officer: "Stay back soldiers, minefield!" Soldier: "Let's clear the field!" Officer: "Ok!" *silence*
What do you call the Spanish translation of the 9th star wars movie? Rogue Juan.
What if Hitler did not say "bombs away," he said "lambs are slayed?"
My great uncle died in a concentration camp.
He fell off one of the guard towers.
What do you do when a French kid steals your pencil?
Load your MP-40 and tell him that you give him a history lesson on WWII.
Why did Germany win World war two? Wait- thats not right... um... excuse me while i look up who won the war...