
Walmart Jokes

You know that at Walmart they have backpacks next to the guns? Well, I thought that it was nice to see the bags next to the school supplies.

Why doesn't Iran have an Walmarts? Because they have a Target at every corner.

Okay long story fast, i walked to gamestop in my house in the kitchen by walmart to a BTS squid game concert and drake and pablo was there for her labor in the cowboys stadium by nike , so i bought pencil from a dead alive man he said ''ZOO WEE MAMA" so yeah.

yo mama so old on her birth certificate it said expired yo mama so fat when she sat non a rainbow skittles popped out yo mama so fat when she sat on walmart the prices went down yo mama so poor she chases a garbage truck with a shopping list yo mama so ugly she made the deviel go to church

5 five little monkeys jumping on a bed

One fell of and bumped his head mamma called Walmart and walmart said

We will give you a replacement

Me: tries to scan self at Walmart. I can't scan myself, wanna know why?

Alfred: Why?

Me: because I'm worthless... =)