Uranus? More like urine is gassy. (Uranus is urine btw)
What do Star Trek and toilet paper have in common?
Both fly around Uranus and wipe out Klingons!
Your butt is bigger than uranus
Uranus is larger than Neptune, but Neptune is more massive/heavier. (Fact not joke, also Neptune, don't kill me!)
My uncle got sued from NASA the other day. He claimed to be the first one to enter Uranus.
Uranus is a gas giant.
What's gassy and as cold as ice? Uranus.
Want to know why some astronomers are gay?
It’s because they want to be in Uranus.
Why does saturn have a ring?
Because god liked it so he put a ring on it.
Teacher: What’s the closest planet?
Kids yell: Sun.
Except for one.
Other kid: Uranus.
Teacher: Uranus?
Other kid: Yeah, it’s right there.
For being a big company, NASA is openly saying they want pictures of Uranus.
73 Earths can fit in Uranus.
Why did Uranus say gross? Because he saw Uranus.
What's the grossest mission NASA could do?
Probing Uranus.
I love you all the way to Uranus! 🤣
Hey, look, it's Uranus coming from the sky!
What's NASA's grossest mission?
Probing Uranus.
So here’s Uranus where’s my anus
I guess Neptune is next to Your Anus XDDDD.
Guy 1: "Stop looking at my ass!" Guy 2: "I said look at Uranus." Guy 1: "I'm looking at uranus!" Guy 2: "I said Uranus like the planet!" Guy 1: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"