Be careful, because I heard that NASA is going to send a rover to Uranus.
wy isuranus look like a paper becuase u do see the other side
What do you call a planet that poops? Uranus.
Uranus is a gassy planet.
My favorite planet is Saturn because it is tight next to Uranus.
How do you measure the circumference of Uranus?
By the rings around it.
NASA is going to probe Uranus, and it might take a while to get there.
i like uranus
There's gonna be 8 planets right after I destroy Uranus.
latest news a new planet has appered close to uranus
More like your anus.
Ha, Uranus face!
Not in a racist way tho.
A kid is learning about planets in school, when he hears the planet Uranus. Knowing it's the perfect opportunity for a joke, the kid replies, "Where's my Anus?"
hey wanna read here have a comet book
Uranus caught a 3metre flatty while surfing . Check the tail still kicking. Deadly my bruss!
I heard that Uranus is pronounced "yuuranus" but it reminded me of urine 😆 (Credits to my really funny friend)
Uranus craps diamonds and is a cow 🐮
What planet is related to planet butts? Uranus.
When u split Uranus in half is ur-anus. That's why it's has a buts joke. Weird