
Tree Jokes

why did the sick juice tree go to the hospital? becuse it needed lemin ade(not the cool tipe of sick the one where you are in the hospital)lemin ade 1st ade

What do ya call a group of emo kids hanging from a tree... ornaments

one time little johnny saw someone in his yard tying a rope to a tree and he moved the stoll and the tree broke. little johnny screamed. " HAHA Your skinny enough to break the tree"

Once in 4th grade Rn I told a random tree Hey my day is bad rn can we hang later? The tree said: Yeah we are going to be hanging every day :) !!! If you can last :)

I love you you too I eeeeeee was the night time is it when you you get a typical sleep 💤 night is oooooooo is it a walk home 🏡 was the night night and a tree 🌲 is it

An apple and an emo girl fall from the same height in a tree which one hits the ground first Apple cuz The Noose stops her

So there was this kid and he went to a store and said to a person there "I'm emo." Then the person told the emo "Why the hell are you here, shouldn't you be hanging in a tree somewhere."

Jefferey Dahmer asked his husband a question

His husband said, whats your question?

Jefferey Dahmer said, "You want to know what is my favorite type of tree?"

His husband said "Yes?"

Jefferey said, "Morning Wood, now take off your pants"