
Tragedy Jokes

Alright kids! Find a good places to stop! Then, out of the blue, Billy died. But hey, he went to a better place.

Mary's mother was a good person why did she die? -because she got stabbed in the heart 60 times by a switchblade


Why were there so many victims in the Grenfell flat fire disaster in London ?

All the exit signs were in English

Man 1: Hey I heard you survived a school shooting, what was it like? Man 2: People were screaming and running everywhere, I was only able to get a few of them.

Two guys watching a war movie at a Bar are talking , one says to the other. " The Nazi's starved my dad to death in a concentration camp during the war". The other says " my Dad died in a camp as well...he broke his neck" First guy says " how did he break his neck?" Second guy says " He fell out of the Guard Tower".