
Topic Jokes

What did the pretty young pre-pubescent 14 year old boy say when he got a homosexual peadophile for Christmas?

He said he was awfully touched!!!!

Fineman, Einstein and Schrodinger walked into a bar.

Fineman says "it appears we're inside a joke".

Einstein says "but only to an observer who saw us walk in simultaneously".

To which Schrodinger says "if someone's looking through the window, I'm leaving".

What hit the ground first, a feather or the emo kid. The feather, because the emo kid was left hanging.

When you ask your friend'Can I hear a joke. ̈ ̈Sure ̈ ̈What do orphans and orange peels have the same. ̈ ̈What? ̈ ̈They both get thrown out