
Things Jokes

what's the worst thing to happen to a japanese person in ww2...being drafted as a kamikaze pilot or existing with a fat man or little boy

I still remember the last thing gaster said before he kicked the bucket, it was "Hey how far do you think I can kick this bucket?"(sans)

I done a thing were we have chat hangouts with people that like gwen or just want to hang out do stuff.

All people are in vited

we have alot! Enjoy

Chenle: One time when i was younger, someone asked me how old i was and i forget. I had to Wikipedia my age to remember Jisung: This is the richest thing I've ever heard in my life.

Soldiers, there is one thing you can be sure of. You will be at home with your families, in a jar on the mantelpiece.

I told a Seal a joke it went like "Why did the kid cross the playground" he said "why?" I said "To get to the other slide" and then he said "thats the sealiest thing Ive ever heard"