Osama Spin Laden, dropping beats like the twin towers.
9/11 jokes aren’t funny.
They always crash and burn.
Q: How do you make a 9/11 cocktail?
A: Light two Manhattans on fire and then knock them over.
What's Al-Qaeda's favorite sports team?
The New York Jets.
What is a terrorist's DJ name?
Osama Spin Laden.
Dropping beats like the Twin Towers.
What’s Bin Laden’s favorite drink? Double Manhattan.
A guy walks into a mosque ... then blows up.
What died on 9/11?
2,996 people.
The twin towers are like genders, there used to be two of them.
What was the last thing to run through Osama bin Laden's mind? Probably a bullet.
What is the difference between an ISIS training camp and a school? Don't ask me, i just fly the drone.
I saw an ISIS video and I got the theme stuck in my head. I was humming it the next day at work when my Arab co-worker said, "soon, my brother."
Q: How come in airports, they park the planes outside?
A: They don't belong in buildings.
Who are the fastest readers in the world? The 9/11 terrorists went through like 78 stories in 7 seconds.
What mental illness do terrorists suffer from?
Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED).
What do terrorists do on 9/11? They have a game of Jenga.
Man, my Muslim friend's the bomb!
What's the difference between a school and an ISIS military base? Don't ask me, I only fly the drone.
What is the difference between 9/11 and a cow?
You stop milking a cow after 15 years.
What was Osama Bin Laden's favorite drink?
A Double Manhattan.