Why should you never fart in an Apple store? Because they have no Windows!
whats the difference between Paul Walker and my computer
when my computer crashes i actually give a fuck
There was a car accident and the cops pull up to the crime seen to start asking people questions. The police started talking to a blonde lady and said what happened here she responded by saying a car crash. They then asked but how did it happen, she responded the cars crashed into each other. They finally said but why did it happen. The lady said oh i know where your going with this. It happened because when cars push on the gas peddle the car goes forward and they both pushed it so they both went forward and hit each other. One cop said never mind ma'm and they stared walking away. The blonde lady then said oh and officers my computer froze do you think i should put in the microwave or in the oven?
What's the difference between America and a flash drive? One is USA and the other is USB 😂😂😂
What is the difference between Princess Diana and my laptop?
When my laptop crashes, I give a s***
What do computer programming and 9/11 have in common?
They're both inside jobs.
When we die we get sent to heaven, but when Stephen Hawking died, he was sent to the cloud
What would Stephen Hawking do to get drunk Over charge himself
Why did techno die? They broke his bed
Why can’t orphans build computers?
They don’t know where to put the motherboard
I was using my computer one time and I pressed Ctrl-Alt-Delete and Stephen Hawking went into a deep sleep
one day my ex best friend lied about his computer died when he left the call and watched youtube
The only reason Stephen Hawking died is because he broke his charger
What is the butt’s favorite computer? The Tushiba
how did stephen hwaking died his wife needed to charge her iphone
why did stephen hawking die?--- he tried to download a free version of windows
How did Stevan hailing’s die?
His computer got a virus
I went up to a orphan bully and I said"here look I made a website" the orphan likes it but the kid says"I forgot one feature tho.the home button.
Why can’t orphans have phones Because it has a home button
Why don’t orphans play baseball Because they can’t get a home run
Has anyone else ever been jealous when their laptop dies?