The only reason Stephen Hawking died is because he forgot to update to the latest version of Microsoft.
Stephen Hawking is not dead; he just needs to charge.
Q. Why cant Steven Hawkins go to Heaven? A. He can't get his wheelchair up the stairs.
Why didn’t Stephen Hawking go to heaven?
He couldn’t climb the stairway.
Stephen Hawking said there is no God.
2018 God said there is no Stephen Hawking.
Why is stephan Hawkins a bad husband? Because he doesn't stand up for his wife.
He died because he rolled to far away from the wall outlet and got unplugged.
What dose it say on Stephen Hawkins grave rust in peace
Rust in peace.
How did Stephen hawking die?
Windows didn’t update in time
What’s the difference between Stephen Hawking and the Statue of Liberty? The statue stands for something.
Where does Stephen Hawking go when he breaks his arm; Pc world
How are Stephen hawking and kaepernick so much alike...they both don’t stand for the national anthem
What were Stephen Hawking's last words?
The Windows XP log out sound.
Have you ever walked into Stephen Hawkings house don't worry he hasn't nether
Why is stephen hawkings in hell? He couldnt get his wheelchair up the stairway to heaven
How did steven hawking die
He lost entirnet conection
How did Stephen King die? Some one unplugged the router.
Stephen Hawking's death was simply an accident. He pressed power off instead of sleep mode.
What if Stephen Hawking was the Real Slim Shady but no one knew because he couldn't stand up.