Is Stephen hawking under warranty, if so can I bring him back to currys pc world?
When Stephen Hawking was feeling hungry, he used to call in to his local PC World for a Megabyte and some micro chips.
Where would you take Stephen hawking if he dies, the funeral directors or PC world
Did you hear how Steven Hawkins Died? There was a mix up and he was dropped at pc world instead of A&E!
Steven Hawkings had a heart attack the year before his death.
They took him to pc world for repairs.
Where does Stephen Hawking go when he breaks his arm; Pc world
stephen hawking rest in pc world
When Stephen hawking is ILL 🤮 do you take him to curry’s pc world or the doctors 😂😂😂😂
If Steven hawking is ill does he go to the doctors or curry’s pc world
Ignore Stephen hawking had a heart attack would he go to hospital or curry’s pc world?
Of stephen hawkings had a heart attack do you take him ti pc world or a&e ?
Where did Steven Hawking spend most of his spare time...Currys PC world
Where does steven hawkings gets his computer fixed at PC world