It's said Duracell batteries are supposed to last 75 years, well Stephen, here you are.
What do Steven Hawkins and the wicked witch both have in common?
If you throw water over them both, they both die...
God: “Steven join us” *sees the staircase to heaven* Steven: “shit”
Why did Stephen Hawking's wife get annoyed with him?
He had an affair with Alexa.
The reason why Stephen Hawking died is because he tried to overclock his wheel chair
The reason Stephen hawking died is because he drove to far away from the wall the cord unpluged
Is Stephen Hawking a physicist now?
No, because he is dead.
Guess Mcfee doesn’t clear all computer viruses
The reason he died is that they accidentally flipped the wrong light switch.
For his sake, I hope that heaven is wheelchair accessible...
zaine davis and stephen hawking fuck each others brains out
the real reason Steven Hawking died is he was drunk and tried to go down a flight of stairs
Stephen Hawking isn't dead, he's just can't walk to the shop and get new batteries. 🙄
What do you call someone that looks like Stephen Hawkins and is a spac head? Byron Davey
Stephen Hawkings died because he got unplugged from his Ethernet cord
why did your mum touch me because she was a pedo
What’s one thing smarter than Steven hawking-his computer
How did Stephen hawking die. He lost a water gun fight
What is Steven hawkins favorite dance move? The worm
What is Steven hawkins favorite song? Highway To hell